"When in doubt, go to the library." -–J.K. Rowling
Learning Commons Hours
Monday-Friday 7:45am-3:45pm Quick Links Cobb Digital Library Destiny Sora Learning Commons Staff
Jennifer Wright, Media Specialist Grainna Laprade, Media Paraprofessional Stay Connected Twitter @osbornehsmc Instagram @osbornehsmc |
Free eBooks & AudiobooksStudents and teachers can use Sora to access eBooks and audiobooks from Osborne High School and Cobb County Schools. Titles are available through a computer web browser or through mobile apps on iOS and Android.
Login Instructions
Free Tutoring for ALL Cobb County Students
The Cobb County Public Library has partnered with TutorATL, which provides online tutoring assistance from 9am-11pm. With our PASS partnership with the public library, that means that all Cobb County students can use this feature by logging in with their PASS account credentials.
Free Access to ALL Cobb County LibrariesAll students now have full access to the Cobb County Library System using the PASS system. You will use your student number and your pin to log in. Your PIN is your 4 digit birthday using the month and day you were born. For example, if you were born on March 5, your PIN would be 0305. You can go to www.cobbcat.org/librarypass for more details. If you have any questions, please contact a media specialist.